Performance summary

Key financial data of the PKO Bank Polski SA Group (in PLN million)

Net profit3 1042 8748,0% (y/y)
Net interest income8 6067 75511,0% (y/y)
Net fee and commission income2 9692 69310,2% (y/y)
Result on business activities*12 56311 7906,6% (y/y)
Administrative expenses-5 784-5 5903,5% (y/y)
Tax on certain financial institutions-932-82912,4% (y/y)
Net impairment allowance-1 620-1 623-0,2% (y/y)
Total assets296 912285 5734,0% (y/y)
Equity36 25632 56911,3% (y/y)
ROA net1,1%1,1%0,0 p.p.
ROE net9,0%9,1%-0,1 p.p.
C/I  (cost to income ratio)**46,0%47,4%-1,4 p.p.
Net interest margin3,3%3,2%0,1 p.p.
Share of impaired loans5,5%5,9%-0,4 p.p.
Cost of risk-0,71%-0,75%0,04 p.p.
Total capital ratio17,37%15,81%1,56 p.p.
Tier 1 ratio16,50%14,51%1,99 p.p.

* Result on business actvities defined as operating profit before administrative expenses, tax on certain financial institutions and net impariment allowance and wrtie-downs.
**Administrative expenses to result on business activities.

Income statement of the PKO Bank Polski SA Group (in PLN million)

(in PLN million)
Interest income10 9199 9659549,6%
Interest expenses-2 313-2 210-1034,7%
Net interest income8 6067 75585111,0%
Fee and commission income3 9183 5793399,5%
Fee and commission expense-949-886-637,1%
Net fee and commission income/(expense)2 9692 69327610,2%
Dividend income1210220,0%
Net gain/(loss) on financial instruments measured at fair value844100,0%
Gain/(loss) on investment securities46506-460-90,9%
Net foreign exchange gains/(losses)452503-51-10,1%
Net other operating income and expenses47031915147,3%
Net impairment allowances and provisions-1 620-1 6233-0,2%
Administrative expenses-5 784-5 590-1943,5%
Tax on certain financial institutions-932-829-10312,4%
Operating profit/(loss)4 2273 74847912,8%
Share in profits and losses of associated entities and joint ventures2235-13-37,1%
Profit before income tax4 2493 78346612,3%
Income tax expense-1 140-907-23325,7%
Net profit (including non-controlling shareholders)3 1092 8762338,1%
Profit (loss) attributable to non-controlling shareholders5232,5x
Net profit3 1042 8742308,0%