Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows

Cash flows from operating activities   
Profit before income tax 4 2493 783
Adjustments: 13 5003 313
Amortization and depreciation 844801
(Gains)/losses on investing activities47(117)(186)
Interest and dividends47(465)(236)
Change in:   
amounts due from banks47700325
financial instruments designated at fair value through profit
or loss upon initial recognition and financial assets held for trading
 5 6751 674
derivative financial instruments (1 155)1 020
loans and advances to customers47(4 844)(3 822)
other assets, inventories and non-current assets held for sale4745(1 311)
amounts due to banks47(1 202)(3 042)
amounts due to customers4715 3378 592
debt securities in issue47(1 119)443
provisions and impairment allowances47(172)(291)
other liabilities and liabilities in respect of insurance activities471 1241 101
Income tax paid (972)(918)
Other adjustments47(179)(837)
Net cash from/used in operating activities  17 7497 096
Cash flows from investing activities   
Inflows from investing activities 96 66350 580
Proceeds from sale and interest on investment securities 96 41550 294
Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries -134
Proceeds from sale of intangible assets, property,
plant and equipment and assets held for sale
Other inflows from investing activities (dividends) 2421
Outflows from investing activities (103 557)(59 536)
Purchase of a subsidiary, net of cash acquired (47)(571)
Increase in equity of an associate (23)(1)
Purchase of investment securities (102 862)(58 208)
Purchase of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment (625)(756)
Net cash from/used in investing activities  (6 894)(8 956)
Cash flows from financing activities   
Proceeds from debt securities in issue3517 8367 807
Proceeds from issue of subordinated bonds361 700-
Redemption of debt securities35(7 278)(4 747)
Repayment of a subordinated loan36(880)-
Repayment of liabilities arising from subordinated bonds36(1 656)-
Taking up loans and advances 311460
Repayment of loans and advances32;33(15 360)(485)
Repayment of interest on long-term borrowings (494)(473)
Net cash from financing activities  (5 821)2 562
Total net cash flows 5 034702
of which foreign exchange differences on cash and cash equivalents (366)135
Cash equivalents at the beginning of reporting period 17 96617 264
Cash equivalents at the end of reporting period4723 00017 966