Fair value hierarchy

Accounting policies, and estimates and judgements

The fair value is the price that would be received for the sale of an asset or paid for transfer of a liability in a transaction carried out under regular conditions on the main (or most advantageous) market at the valuation date in the current market conditions (i.e. exit price), regardless of whether this price is directly observable or estimated using another valuation technique.

Depending on the classification of financial assets and liabilities to a specific level of the hierarchy, different methods of fair value measurement are used.

Level 1: Prices quoted on active markets

Financial assets and liabilities whose fair value is stated directly at prices quoted (not adjusted) on active markets for identical assets and liabilities. In this category the Group classifies financial and equity instruments measured at fair value through profit or loss and available for sale, for which there is an active market and for which the fair value is determined with reference to the market value, which is a bid price:

  • debt securities valued using fixing from Bondspot platform or Bloomberg or Reuters information services;
  • debt and equity securities which are traded on a regulated market, including in the Brokerage House portfolio;
  • derivatives instruments, which are traded on a regulated market.

Level 2: Valuation techniques based on observable market data

Financial assets and liabilities whose fair value is determined using valuation models where all significant entry data are observable on the market directly (as prices) or indirectly (based on prices). In this category, the Group classifies financial instruments for which there is no active market:

Financial assets and liabilities measured at fair valueValuation method (technique)Observable inputs
Derivatives financial instruments – CIRS, IRS, FRAThe discounted future cash flows model based on yield curves.Yield curves are built based on market rates, market data of the money market, market transactions of FRA, IRS, basis swap.
Derivative financial instruments – currency option, interest rate options, equity exotic options, fx forward, fx swap transactionsValuation model specific for a particular type of currency option. The model of discounted future cash flows based on yield curves for FX forward and FX swap transactions. The prices of equity exotic options embedded in structured products are obtained from the market (market prices).Yield curves built based on money market rates, market rate of swap points, volatility levels for specific currency pairs, NBP fixing exchange rates. For the purpose of valuation of equity exotic options embedded in structured products, market prices of these options are obtained.
NBP money market billsYield curve methodYield curves are built based on money market data and OIS (overnight index swap) transactions market.
Currency municipal bondsAccepted valuation modelMarket rates, market data from the money market, IRS transactions market, CDS transactions market, volatility of interest rate options market.
Municipal bonds in PLNYield curve and a risk margin modelYield curves are built based on market rates, money market data, IRS transactions market.
Corporate bondsYield curve and risk margin modelYield curves are built based on market rates, money market data, IRS transactions market.
Commodity swap transactionsCommodity price yield curve modelCommodity price yield curves are built based on money market data, market rate SWAP points

Level 3: Other valuation techniques

Financial assets and liabilities whose fair value is determined using valuation models for which input data is not based on observable market data (unobservable input data). In this category, the Group classifies financial instruments, which are valued using internal valuation models:

Financial assets and liabilities measured at fair valueValuation method (technique)unobservable input
Participation units in mutual fundMethod of the net asset value (NAV) of the Fund i.e. the fair value of investment projects (companies) comprised in the Fund, which are subject to semi-annual review or audit performed by a registered auditorNet asset value of the fund
C-series preference shares of Visa Inc.  Estimating the fair value based on the current market value of the listed ordinary shares of Visa Inc., including a discount which takes into account the limited liquidity of C-series shares and the terms and conditions of the conversion of C-series shares into ordinary shares.Discount taking into account the limited liquidity of C-series shares and the terms of converting the C-series shares into ordinary shares.
Corporate bondsYield curve and risk margin model. Yield curve is built based on market rates, money market data and the IRS transactions market.Credit spread (credit margins determined on the basis of initial margins modified by credit indices quotes ascribed to issuers based on their ratings and business sectors)


Financial information

ASSETS AND LIABILITIES MEASURED AT FAIR VALUE AS AT 31.12.2017NoteCarrying amountLevel 1Level 2Level 3
   Prices quoted on active marketsValuation techniques based on observable market dataOther valuation techniques
Financial assets held for trading, excluding derivatives financial instruments214314292-
Debt securities 405405--
Shares in other entities 1919--
Investment certificates, rights to shares, pre-emptive rights 77--
Derivatives financial instruments222 59812 597-
Hedging instruments 887-887-
Trading instruments 1 71111 710-
Financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss upon initial recognition248 1573 7754 382-
Debt securities 6 6882 3064 382-
Participation units 1 4691 469--
Available-for-sale investment securities2643 65134 2367 2492 166
Debt securities 43 19234 1527 2491 791
Equity securities 20380-123
Participation units in investment funds and shares in collective investment undertakings 2564-252
Total financial assets measured at fair value  54 83738 44114 2302 166
Derivatives financial instruments222 740-2 740-
Hedging instruments 204-204-
Trading instruments 2 536-2 536-
Total financial liabilities measured at fair value  2 740-2 740-

Carrying amountLevel 1Level 2Level 3
Debt securities6 6882 3064 382-
NBP bills4 199-4 199-
treasury bonds (in PLN)1 4131 413--
treasury bonds (in foreign currencies)893893--
municipal bonds (in PLN)106-106-
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies)77-77-
Participation units in ICF (insurance capital funds) related to insurance products belonging
to the group of investment products where the risk is borne by the policyholder
1 4691 469--
TOTAL8 1573 7754 382-

AVAILABLE-FOR-SALE INVESTMENT SECURITIESAS AT 31.12.2017Carrying amountLevel 1Level 2Level 3
Securities available for sale43 19234 1527 2491 791
treasury bonds (in PLN)33 50233 502--
treasury bonds (in foreign currencies)238-238-
municipal bonds (in PLN)4 928-4 928-
corporate bonds (in PLN)4 0453212 0831 641
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies)479329-150
Equity securities20380-123
Participation units in investment funds and shares in collective investment undertakings2564-252
TOTAL43 65134 2367 2492 166

AS AT 31.12.2016
NoteCarrying amountLevel 1Level 2Level 3
   Prices quoted on active marketsValuation techniques based
on observable market data
Other valuation techniques
Financial assets held for trading, excluding derivatives financial instruments21326326--
Debt securities 312312--
Shares in other entities 1111--
Investment certificates, rights to shares, pre-emptive rights 33--
Derivatives financial instruments222 90132 898-
Hedging instruments 382-382-
Trading instruments 2 51932 516-
Financial instruments designated at fair value through profit or loss upon initial recognition2413 9374 6209 317-
Debt securities 12 2042 8879 317-
Participation units 1 7331 733--
Available-for-sale investment securities2636 64127 3455 9223 374
Debt securities 36 14227 2365 9222 984
Equity securities 18391-92
Participation units in investment funds and shares in collective investment undertakings 31618-298
Total financial assets measured at fair value  53 80532 29418 1373 374
Derivatives financial instruments224 19814 197-
Hedging instruments 1 135-1 135-
Trading instruments 3 06313 062-
Total financial liabilities measured at fair value  4 19814 197-

Carrying amountLevel 1Level 2Level 3
Debt securities12 2042 8879 317-
NBP bills9 079-9 079-
treasury bonds (in PLN)1 8121 812--
treasury bonds (in foreign currencies)1 0751 075--
municipal bonds (in PLN)111-111-
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies)127-127-
Participation units in ICF (insurance capital funds) related to insurance products belonging to
the group of investment products where the risk is borne by the policyholder
1 7331 733--
TOTAL13 9374 6209 317-

AVAILABLE-FOR-SALE INVESTMENT SECURITIESAS AT 31.12.2016Carrying amountLevel 1Level 2Level 3
Securities available for sale36 14227 2365 9222 984
treasury bonds (in PLN)25 74425 744--
treasury bonds (in foreign currencies)678457221-
municipal bonds (in PLN)4 552-4 552-
corporate bonds (in PLN)4 5906921 1492 749
corporate bonds (in foreign currencies)578343-235
Equity securities18391-92
Participation units in investment funds and shares in collective investment undertakings31618-298
TOTAL36 64127 3455 9223 374

 Fair value inFair value in
 positive scenarionegative scenariopositive scenarionegative scenario
Available-for-sale investment securities    
Participation units in a collective investment undertaking1264239313283
Equity securities (shares in Visa Inc.)212910310070
Corporate bonds31 7991 7832 9922 977

1 Scenario assuming an increase/decrease in the Fund’s net asset value of +/- 5%, respectively.
2 Scenario assuming a discount ratio of 0%/100%, respectively.
3 Scenario assuming a change in the credit spread of +/-10%.

Opening balance at the beginning of the period3 3743 635
Total gains or losses40113
in the profit or loss(37)68
in other comprehensive income7745
Taking up a new share issue in the Fund5867
Taking up of shares in Visa Inc.-81
Sale of shares in Visa Europe Limited-(337)
Other issues and redemptions (including settlements)(1 213)(185)
Reduction of capital involvement in the Fund(93)-
Total2 1663 374

In 2017 and 2016 the Group did not reclassify financial instruments to level 3 of the fair value hierarchy.